% Encoding: windows-1252 @BOOK{Kenneth1958, title = {Studies in Linear and Non-Linear Programming}, publisher = {Stanford University Press}, year = {1958}, author = {Arrow, Kenneth J. and others}, number = {II}, pages = {229}, series = {Stanford Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences}, address = {Stanford (CA)}, language = {english}, owner = {Fabienne}, timestamp = {2013.03.24} } @PHDTHESIS{astier82, author = {Astier, Roger}, title = {Méthode {B}ox {J}enkins appliquée aux séries de transport}, school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris-{S}ud, {C}entre d'{O}rsay}, year = {1982}, type = {Thèse de doctorat de 3\ieme\ cycle, spécialité : statistiques}, month = feb, pages = {176}, language = {french} } @BOOK{bellman70, title = {Methods of Nonlinear Analysis}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year = {1970--1973}, author = {Bellman, Richard}, series = {2 vol.}, address = {New York}, language = {english} } @BOOK{bellman73, title = {Methods of Nonlinear Analysis. \textup{Vol. II}}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year = {1973}, author = {Bellman, Richard}, number = {61-II}, pages = {XVII, 261}, series = {Mathematics in Science and Engineering}, address = {New York}, isbn = {0-12-084902-X}, language = {english} } @ARTICLE{donatini07, author = {Donatini, Pietro and Frosini, Patrizio}, title = {Natural Pseudodistances between Closed Surfaces}, journal = {Journal of the European Mathematical Society}, year = {2007}, volume = {9}, pages = {331--353}, number = {2}, language = {english} } @BOOK{Gasquet1990, title = {Analyse de {F}ourier et applications : filtrage, calcul numérique, ondelettes}, publisher = {Masson}, year = {1990}, author = {Gasquet, Claude and Witomski, Patrick}, pages = {XI, 354}, address = {Paris}, isbn = {2-225-82018-X}, language = {french}, owner = {Fabienne}, timestamp = {2013.03.24} } @BOOK{Gastinel1966, title = {Analyse numérique linéaire}, publisher = {Hermann}, year = {1966}, author = {Gastinel, Noël}, number = {9}, pages = {XII, 362}, series = {Collection Enseignement des sciences}, address = {Paris}, language = {french}, owner = {Fabienne}, timestamp = {2013.03.24} } @INCOLLECTION{godsil76, author = {Godsil, C. and McKay, B.}, title = {Some Computational Results on the Spectra of Graphs}, booktitle = {Combinatorial Mathematics {IV} ({P}roceedings of the Fourth {A}ustralian Conference Held at the {U}niversity of {A}delaide, {A}ugust 27--29, 1975)}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = {1976}, editor = {Casse, Louis R. 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A. and Wallis, Walter D.}, number = {560}, pages = {249}, series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-540-08053-8}, language = {english} } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}